
  1. NeRF for space exploration robots

    NeRF on Mars

    NASAのPerseverance ローバーのナビゲーション・カメラからの画像は、まずCOLMAPで処理を行なった:これには、Structure-from-Motion技術を用いて、各画像を撮影したカメラの相対的なポーズ …

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  2. Automating Robot Localization Testing with Artefacts

    Simulated World Overview

    Every robot needs a localization system: the ability to know its position and orientation in the environment. Robotic developers spend a lot of time iteratively improving and testing their system in different environmental conditions. In this blog post we share how the Artefacts platform can make your robotics development more …

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  3. Approach to Robotics testing, a Comparison

    Let's compare the manual testing approach traditionally performed within robotics context with a more modern automated approach enabled by the Artefacts platform.

    The usual robotics testing life cycle is:


    Many of the pains of traditional robotics testing are the reason we are dedicated to developing the Artefacts platform and providing …

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  4. ROSCon 2022

    The Artefacts team joined ROSCon/RosConJP 2022 in Kyoto this year. We had 3 great days of exciting talks and networking with many robotics companies from Japan and all over the world.

    We also had the pleasure to introduce our solution to the ROS community with 2 lightning talks for …

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